Student Profile

Name Tabassuma Cowdhury
Student ID 246380
Reg. No. 0
Roll 19
Section SHAPLA
Group N/A
Shift Day
Category General
Date of Birth 2011-10-22
Religion Islam
Blood Group O+
Gender Female
Father's Name Md. Kutub Uddin Chowdhury
Mother's Name Taslima Begum Rujina
Present Address
Permanent Address
Guardian Mobile

Subject List

SL. Subject Is Optional
1 Religion & Moral Education
2 Bangla
3 English
4 Hindu Religion Studies
5 Art and Culture
6 Science
7 Wellbeing
8 Islamic Studies
9 Digital Technology
10 History and Social Science
11 Bangla 1st
12 Bangla 2nd
13 English 1st
14 English 2nd
15 Mathematics
16 ICT
17 BD & Glob.Studies
18 General Science
19 Religion & Moral Edu.
20 Life and Livelihood